T-Mobile Free LTE Data Makes Switching iPhone Carrier Attractive

T-Mobile starts a new program aimed at users who are about to switch iPhone to T-Mobile. What does this carrier offer now? It came up with T-Mobile free LTE data plan offered for one year. It can be obtained by users whose friends agree to change their mobile operator and start using this U.S. carrier.

Who can you persuade someone to use the fourth-biggest U.S. company? T-Mobile hopes that customers who want to get T-Mobile free unlimited data update for a year will tell others how amazing this network is.

t-mobile free lte data
The prize is big. Getting unlimited 4G LTE fast network at no cost is something really interesting and attractive. To get it you have to bring Sprint user, Verizon or AT&T customer to T-Mobile.

The deal starts on August 29, 2014. You can already refer your friends and tell them how badly you want to win T-Mobile free LTE data yearly award.

Customers who are not satisfied with their service, carrier, price might be curious to find better mobile company and switch AT&T iPhone to T-Mobile or stop using Verizon and Sprint. Still a lot of iOS owners will most likely choose to unlock their iPhone and become carrier free. Being able to insert any SIM card, select any data plan, pricing package and service based on its quality is always better than staying locked to one network.

Factory IMEI unlock supports T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and a lot of other carriers in the U.S. and across the world. This unlocking method is legit, fast, affordable and universal. It supports all iPhone models, baseband versions, iOS 7 and future iOS 8.

Your freedom is just a couple of moments away! Unlock your phone and become permanently unlocked once and forever!

Cheap AT&T iPhone Unlock Available After Obama Makes Unlocking Legal

Right now it is the best time to send AT&T iPhone unlock request and get the crazy price drops for unlocking iPhone 5S, 5c, 5, 4S, 4 from this American carrier. As soon as U.S. President Barack Obama signed the unlocking bill into law making it officially allowed to order AT&T iPhone unlock service and any other unlock from any other carrier.

The awesome AT&T unlock price down works for all smartphone models. The company at first make it pretty expensive to order unlocks as it was illegal to do in the United States, and now it changes the rules offering a great unlock iPhone 4S / 5 / 5S / 5c / 4 price drop.

factory unlock ios 6.1 sam

You will be surprised to learn the real AT&T iPhone unlock cost which is now about 40 percent lower than it used to be. This is actually pretty low and cheap, so a lot of customers who are still locked to this U.S. mobile operator and didn’t hurry to unlock their handset because of the prices can finally make their wish come true.

Let’s see the new prices and where you can unlock your AT&T iPhone:

  • Have out of contract AT&T iPhone 4/4S – unlock it here for $15!
  • Have iPhone 5 or in contract iPhone 4S – unlock it here for $25!
  • Have clean (not blacklisted) iPhone 5S / 5C – unlock it here for $29 only!

This is simple to do and the result is fast to get. You should only know your IMEI number, device model and carrier name. Also iPhone has to activated and clean (not blacklisted you can check it here) in order to become never-locked today. Your warranty will not be voided. The unlock status is permanent and it will not be gone after syncing, restoring, jailbreaking, updating to iOS 8 or other firmware, upgrading baseband version etc. Use the device as you were doing this before unlock with one difference: you are free to switch carriers from now on.

factory unlock at&t iphone

AT&T iPhone 5 unlock price as well as the cost for unlocking iPhone 5S, 5c, 4S, 4 and earlier models is very attractive. You are highly advised to request unlock and become SIM free as no one knows how the price can change with iPhone 6 release planned for mid-September. It might go up as too many users would be glad to unlock this new generation Apple smartphone as soon as they purchase it from AT&T or other American carrier.

Official and legal iPhone AT&T unlock in U.S. is not longer a dream. It is the reality and it can improve your life. Being unlocked means being able to insert different SIM cards, change carriers and data plans, save money on roaming fees and monthly expenses on mobile services, be free from one carrier’s policy and rules.

Order AT&T iPhone unlock now while the huge price drops are available for all iOS handset models in the U.S.!

Cheaper AT&T Wireless Plans Meant to Compete with T-Mobile

The new AT&T data plan prices launched earlier this year have lowered the company’s income. The carrier had to cut down its AT&T wireless plans costs in order to compete with another mobile operator T-Mobile. According to AT&T, about 50 per cent of its wireless subscribers are now using Mobile Share Value data plans.

AT&T data plans for iPhone and other smartphones offer Next plan that offers cheaper fees each month to customers who have got their gadget at a full price. As you know, Apple offers its handsets either at a full price which come unlocked or at subsidized price from mobile operators with a 2-year contract.att video bill

Users who purchase gadgets at a full price get a smartphone that supports SIM cards of all operators. Consumers who get a handset locked to AT&T have to use only this carrier’s data plans and cannot switch to another network until they order AT&T unlocking service for any iPhone models 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, 5S, 5c, 4 etc.

To unlock iPhone from AT&T directly from this carrier you have to wait until your two-year contract is over. You can also unlock being still on contract from a third-party company that works with AT&T and can unlock you before your contract ends.

It is easy to unlock iPhone 4S, 5, 5S and 5c these days though it is still illegal in the U.S. At the same time the unlocking bill requires only to be signed by U.S. President to become law. Soon it should be officially allowed to unlock so you don’t take any risk by unlocking right now.

Sprint’s Plan to Merge with T-Mobile “Abandoned”

There were rumors that Sprint was to purchase T-Mobile, however now such plans seem to be “abandoned.” The reports about the future Sprint T-Mobile deal were all over the internet with customers getting ready to jump from one carrier to the two networks without unlocking. Still, it looks like these were just predictions that won’t happen.

Sprint T-Mobile merger plan is not going to happen. Some sources state that there is a huge number of different regulatory problems that followed such Sprint T-Mobile purchase thus the mobile operator has decided to not buy it at all.

Besides, the U.S. carrier Sprint made an announcement about replacing its SEO Dan Hesse. The new CEO should be introduced on August 6, 2014.

sprint t-mobile deal

There are other sources that say that T-Mobile got a $15 billion offer from one French company but turned it down. The company is keeping with its previous schedule advertising its “Uncarrier” plans and unveiling new deals.

Sprint iPhone users who wish to use T-Mobile now, as the two companies are not going to merge, can simply order factory unlock or choose other type of unlocking. It has become completely legal to unlock phones in the U.S. since August 2014 after the U.S. President Barack Obama signed the unlocking bill into law.

You are now the one to decide whether you wish to become SIM-free or not. Even if your mobile operator doesn’t like the fact that you want to unlock, you can easily order iPhone Sprint unlock or iPhone T-Mobile unlocking and become SIM free once and forever.

The easiest way to unlock your iPhone is to order factory IMEI service that requires only your IMEI number to complete the procedure. This is simple, fast and affordable!

Verizon Throttling 4G LTE Data Users Beginning October 1st

Beginning on October 1, 2014 Verizon 4G LTE throttling can hurt iPhone users with unlimited data plan from this American carrier. Experts believe, this way the company is trying to lure consumers with grandfathered plans that allowe getting unlimited data at lower pricing than now offered in other plans by the mobile operator.

Verizon throttling 4G users news can make customers frustrated as during high usage hours people with unlimited 4G LTE data can be throttled officially. How will the company implement its plans?

Verizon 4g lte throttling
Verizon customers who don’t want to stay without connection during throttling hors can order Verizon iPhone 4 / 4S unlock even if they are still on contract. This is simple, as third-party companies that work with mobile operators can provide you with safe and fast factory iPhone unlock from Verizon or any other network.

Being unlocked means being free as you can switch your SIM card at any moment. Such unlock Verizon iPhone 5S can be performed by your IMEI code.

The company simply changes your status to “unlocked” and iTunes servers recognize it when you are connected through your computer completing your unlock.

Verizon iphone unlock

This is safe to do as your warranty isn’t voided. Even if your iPhone is blacklisted you can unblock Verizon Bad ESN on any model and any version of firmware / baseband. Once you are unlocked you can easily use 4G LTE with Verizon and switch to a different carrier if you happen to fall in the top 5 percent of users with the highest monthly data consumption and get throttled.

According to experts, users who consume 4.7 GB+ of data each month are the ones to be throttled. Don’t wait till October and order iPhone factory unlock right now to be always happy!

How to Restore iPhone from iCloud Backup [Guide]

If you created a backup copy of your iPhone using iCloud you can use iCloud restore for iPhone from backup. This is simple, quick and easy to do. Maybe there was something wrong with your handset during update to the new iOS 8 beta 1 or jailbreak / hack attempt.

You can get back to your saved restore version and use your iPhone again.

Step 1. iCloud restore for iPhone 5S, 5c, 5 or other model begins from turning on your smartphone and making what it asks: Slide your finger to continue.

Step 2. Select your language, country / region and either use Wi-Fi or cellular connection. It is best to use Wi-Fi because to restore iPhone iCloud will use internet.

Step 3. Choose to use or not to use Location Services [you can change this later on].

Step 4. Now select Restore from iCloud backup menu.

Step 5. You will have to enter your ID and password to continue and accept Terms and Conditions. Otherwise yopu may have activation lock issue.

ios 7 activation lock

Step 6. To restore iPhone from iCloud backup, you need to select the backup name if you have several of them.

Step 7. Now allow your smartphone complete restoring process.

Once everything is returned to your handset you can once again enjoy using Apple gadget. If you didn’t have Wi-Fi connection, don’t worry. Once you get connected to Internet, iCloud can finish getting the files it couldn’t get earlier.

Obama Sings Unlocking Bill Making It Legal to Order iPhone Unlock

It has finally happened, and iPhone unlock along with other phone unlocking has become legal in the U.S. after President Barack Obama signed the bill making it law. He signed it on Friday, August 1, making legal phone unlocking beginning from August 2, 2014.
This law makes it much easier for customers to switch SIM cards and mobile operators without having to purchase a new smartphone.

Legal iPhone unlock makes millions people happy as people could get in trouble for ordering factory or other type of unlock from third-party companies since January 2013 and till August 2, 2014.

The AT&T Get Alltel Deal

Obama sings unlocking bill called the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act and confirms that the decision taken by the Library of Congress in winter 2013 is reversed now. It was not allowed to unlock handsets across the U.S. if you didn’t get a special permission from your carrier and most carriers could unlock iPhones or other mobile devices purchased with a 2-year contract only after the contract expired and under certain conditions.

It is now legal to unlock iPhone so you can feel the relief and simply order factory unlock right now. You will not have any problems with law because unlock becomes legal in the U.S., finally, after nearly two years of complaints and dreams.

U.S. legal unlock allows you simply change the network if you are not satisfied with the one you are using. Even if you decide to purchase the new AT&T iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S from T-Mobile at a subsidized price with 2-year contract, you will be able to unlock it from the network and use with any other carrier of your choice changing SIMs as often as you wish.

Unlocking is the best thing to do before you go on a trip overseas as using local SIM cards can save you bunch of money as you won’t have to pay your American carrier for roaming services.

The unlocking bill surprisingly easily went through Congress a week ago and got an approve from both Congress and now Mr. Obama.

The bill got over 114 thousand signatures from people who want to be unlocked and wanted it to be officially allowed by the government.

Let’s see what CBSNews reported: